My name is Arjun Nair. I’m an M.S. student at Yale University studying Computer Science, with an interest in natural language processing and machine learning.
I’m currently working on…
- Developing an ML model for abstractive dialogue summarization as part of a collaboration between Facebook AI & Yale LILY Lab.
- Exploring the effect of dimensionality reduction on the ability of word embeddings to solve analogies.
I’m most proud of my previous work in…
- Evaluating the effectiveness of various emotion detection systems on the domain of political speeches as part of a four-month research mentorship with Google.
- Developing a tractor detector, tillage classifier, and other crop-related machine learning models as part of my two computer vision internships with the National Center for Supercomputing Applications.
- Contributing to the development of an enterprise web application for asset management as part of my software engineering internship with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
- Designing two code variant generators to automatically create new practice problems for the University of Illinois’s introductory computer science course.
I’m hoping to…
- Enter a full-time engineering role involving NLP and/or ML after I graduate.
- Improve my understanding of machine learning via graduate coursework in advanced NLP and unsupervised learning.